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A2 Milk

Curious about A2 milk? 


What is A2 milk?

Some have given up milk due to digestive problems or lactose intolerance.


A1 and A2 proteins affect the body differently. When A1 protein is digested in the small intestine, it produces a peptide called beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7). The intestines absorb BCM-7, and it then passes into the blood.  The structure of A2 protein is more comparable to human breast milk, as well as milk from goats, sheep, and buffalo.

This milk comes from our cows that naturally produce milk with the only the A2 version of beta-casein, rather than the A1 version of the protein, which can impact the digestive system.


BY DEFINITION: It is cows milk that contains only the A2 type of beta-casein protein rather than the more common A1 protein found in a majority of milk.  

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